Hyperhidrosis Treatment for Hands

Do you avoid handshakes in social gatherings for the reason that of your sticky, sweaty hands? If yes, the chances are that you might be facing the problem of sweaty hands and feet. Sweating is necessary to keep the body temperature, but as they say, a surplus of everything is bad. It is a source of irritation and embarrassment for the individual and also lays a profound impact on their social life. This problem may arise due to stress, nervousness, hormonal changes, etc. Below are some of the natural remedies to fight sweaty hands and feet. Potato Sweaty Hands Treatment with this vegetable is of huge help in reducing the excessive sweat. Take some potato slices and rub them on your hands and feet. Keep it for some time and then wash it off with water. Potato juice can also be applied to the areas prone to excessive sweating to get rid of the problem instantly. Sandalwood Powder Use of sandalwood dates back to very old times when people used to decorate their forehe...